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Name of the study program: English language and literature

Study program level: II cycle / graduate study
Head of study program: v. prof. dr. Adnan Bujak
Academic/scientific/professional title upon completion of studies: Master of English Language and Literature

Bulletin board

Exam results for matriculants English III and IV (pre-Bologna NPP)

English language III (pre-Bologna NPP) held on 7/7/2014. grammar language skills Surname, First name syntax test translation E>Bhs...

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Exam results Contrastive grammar of English and BHS language

  Teaching (50%): grades Exam (50%): grade (points out of 30) Final grade Alispahić Albina 5 6 5 (10.5)...

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Final results of the exam in the subject Modern English Language 8

Surname and name status ENG>BHS MAX 30% BHS>ENG MAX 30% ORAL EXAM TOTAL Alispahić Albina...

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Notification on the registration of grades with assistant. Ph.D. Vildane Dubravac

The previous notice on the registration of marks from the course with assistant professor is being corrected. Ph.D. Vildane Dubravac, how...

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