Name of the study program: English language and literature
Study program level: II cycle / graduate study
Head of study program: v. prof. dr. Adnan Bujak
Academic/scientific/professional title upon completion of studies: Master of English Language and Literature
Teaching staff
Bulletin board
Results of the final exams held on 27/11/2014 in the subject Introduction to syntactic analysis
10. December 2014.
Exam 100% Final grade Tabaković Maja 13p/40 i.e. 32% 5 Scale 55% 6 65% 7 …
Results of the final exams held on 27/11/2014 in the subject Syntax and Semantics in Generative Grammar
10. December 2014.
Final grade Teaching pass exam % Exam (points, %, grade) Čerim Azra 6 100% 22/40 55%...
Results of the final exams held on 27/11/2014 in the subject Phonology and Morphology in Generative Grammar
10. December 2014.
Final grade Teaching taking the exam % Exam (points and percentages on the scale) Arnaut Fenaheta 5 100%...
Notice for matriculants – Exam in English III and IV
9. December 2014.
Matriculating students (pre-Bologna study program) are informed that there will be exams in English III...