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Name of the study program: English language and literature

Study program level: I cycle / undergraduate study
Head of study program: v. prof. dr. Adnan Bujak
Academic/scientific/professional title upon completion of studies: Professor of English language and literature



Study English language and literature!

For those who love the English language, love Anglo-American literature, enjoy translating, want to learn about countries where English is the official language, and enjoy doing projects and expressing creativity.

Experiences of our students

What our students say about us...

  • academic and professional skills
  • the foundation for a successful career

2024 English Language Day
Student Conference

Faculty of Philosophy – English Language and Literature Study Program


English Language Day Student Conference

Bulletin board

The results of the final exams held on 10/11/2015

Syntax and semantics in generative grammar Br. index Exam taken by % Final grade 3137 0p 0%...

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Postgraduate deadline for November - advertisement

GRADUATE EXAMS November 2015 FOR SUBJECTS: Introduction to syntactic analysis Syntax of simple and complex sentences...

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Graduation term

The final term for this month in the subject of 20th century British literature will be held on Wednesday,…

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Results of the final exam in the subject Modern English Language 8 held on October 21, 2015.

Surname and first name Status ENG→BHS MAX 30% BHS→ENG MAX 30% ORAL EXAM MAX 40% TOTAL 5142 graduate...

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