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RESULTS of written exams in Mathematics Teaching Methodology II

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RESULTS of the written exam (1st colloquium) from Mathematics teaching methods II held on 19.01.2016.

Name and surname 1st colloquium
1. Jašarspahić Berina 16 b
2. Arnela Šahinović 13 b
3. Đidić Medina 9.5 b

RESULTS of the written exam (2nd colloquium) from Mathematics teaching methods II held on 19.01.2016.

Name and surname 2nd colloquium
1. Šljivić Jelena 20 b
2. Gračić Sadin 20 b
3. Emina Muminović 16 b
4. Plančić Ernad 12 b

An inspection of the works will be held on Tuesday, January 26, 2016. at 11:30 am. The oral exam will be held on Thursday, January 28. at 11:00 a.m.

Asst. Dr. Suljicic Amir

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