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Results of the written part of the exam in the subject Introduction to Linear Algebra

University of Zenica

Faculty of Philosophy

Mathematics and computer science

The results

The written part of the exam from Introduction to linear algebra done on January 28, 2015.


r. no. Surname and name Σ
1 Popcorn Elma 25
2 Senida Smajlović 20
3 Hamza Duranović 17,5

OTHER PARTIAL                                                               

r. no. Surname and name Σ
1 Tanasic Tea 15,5
2 Elna Herić 14,5
3 Sisic Amina 12,5
4 Shkulj Emin 12,5
5 Varešković Ivan 12,5
6 Suljić Rebiha 12

Inspection of works on February 4, 2015 at 1 p.m.

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