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Results of the written part of the exam in Differential Geometry conducted on July 3, 2015.

Results of the integral exam:

Surname and name Task 1. (max 100%) Task 2. (max 100%) Task 3. (max 100%) Task 4. (max 100%) Total points (max 60)
Pajić Merhunis 30 80 60 90 39,00
Jurešić Leonardo 60 80 21,00
Goran Belma 80 12,00


Results of the II partial exam:

Surname and name Task 1. (max 100%) Task 2. (max 100%) Task 3. (max 100%) Task 4. (max 100%) Total points (max 30)
Zinet Kasumović 50 40 100 70 19,50


Summary results of partial exams:

Surname and name And a partial exam II partial exam Total points (max 60)
Zinet Kasumović 15,00 19,50 34,50


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