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Results of the written exam in Differential Geometry

 Surname and name Task
number 1
(max 100%)
number 3
(max 100%)
number 3
(max 100%)
number 4
(max 100%)
Number of points
(max 50)
Sanela Karić 90% 30% 30% 40% 23,75
Edina Kadric 95% 10% 13,13
Kubat Admira 100% 90% 90% 60% 42,50

The student who scored 23.75 points passed conditionally. This means that he has the right to take the oral part of the exam only once, and if he does not pass then he must take the written part of the exam again. You can view the works on Friday, September 12. at 9:00.

The date of the oral part of the exam will be announced later.

Subject teacher
Prof. PhD Mehmed Nurkanović

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