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The results of the final oral exams in Analysis I, Differential Geometry, Differential Equations, Elementary Mathematics I and Elementary Mathematics II, held on June 27, 2016

DEPARTMENT: Mathematics and Informatics

RESULTS of the final exam in Analysis I, Differential Geometry, Differential Equations, Elementary Mathematics I and Elementary Mathematics II, held on June 27, 2016

Analysis I
1. Lejla Mašić 13.0 (1.p)
2. Kovac Enis 13.0(1.p)
3. Skulj Emina ND

Elementary mathematics II
1. Čolaković Muhamed 19.0 (2.p),
2. Tanasić Tea 15.0 (2.p),
3. Selimović Harun 15.0 (2.p).

Elementary mathematics I
1. Matošević Marija 12.0 (1.p),
2. Duranović Seida ND

Differential equations
1. Šušnja Marina 14.0 (1.p).

Differential geometry
1. Mrkaljević Berina 17.0 (2.p).

Inspection of papers and entry of grades is on Tuesday, June 28, 2016. year from 9.00 to 11.00 at FF.
Zenica, 27.06.2016. years

Subject teacher:
Ph.D.Sc. Dževad Burgić, Assoc. professor

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