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Math Comic-Con: Competition for the best math comic

OBJECTIVES The goal of Math Comic-Con is to provide students of the University of Zenica with the opportunity to explore and express their creative abilities through the creation of mathematical comics. Through this competition, we want to encourage an interdisciplinary approach, enabling students to combine their mathematical skills with artistic expression. Goal…


Methodical practice - INFORMATICS

Students of our Department, as part of methodical practice, held classes in the subject of Informatics. After observing classes with their mentor, Professor Pojskić Bakir, they got the opportunity to, for the first time, design and hold a lesson. It was very interesting and educational...


Play the Pi Quiz!

As part of the "Magic Number Pi" project, first-year SP Mathematics and Informatics students created a quiz about the number Pi. In this way, they celebrated March 14, the international Pi Day, and showed their programming skills along the way. To play the quiz,…


π(Pi) day

HAPPY NUMBER DAY π Today, the students of the mathematics and informatics study program of the Faculty of Philosophy of UNZE, Amna Gačić, Ajna Muflizović, Lea Kokorović and Izudina Lužić, together with their professors Naida Bikić, Vehid Kurtić and Edina Kadrić Durmiš, were guests in...


Notification of the graduation period

Respected final-oral parts of the exam from: Analysis I, Analysis II, Analysis III, Differential Equations, Differential Geometry, Mathematics Teaching Methodology I and Mathematical Programming, so-called. senior year, is planned for December 1, 2022 at 11 a.m. at the Faculty of Philosophy. Subject teacher: Dr. sci. Djevad...

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