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Dates of written exams

Written exams in the subjects: Probability and Statistics Elementary Mathematics 1 Elementary Mathematics 2 Mathematics Teaching Methodology 1 Mathematics Teaching Methodology 2 will be held on Wednesday, October 7, 2015. at 3 p.m., at the Faculty of Metallurgy and Materials. Assoc. Almir Huskanović, Ph.D. Safet Hamedović


Results of the final oral exams in the subjects Analysis 1, Analysis 2 and Differential Equations

UNIVERSITY OF ZENICA FACULTY OF PHILOSOPHY DEPARTMENT: Mathematics and Informatics Results of the final oral parts of the exam in Analysis 1, Analysis 2 and Differential Equations conducted on October 6, 2015. year ANALYSIS 1 1) Čehić Nadira 13.0 (2nd partial), ---------------------------------- ------ 2) Beriša Armin ND, 3) Hodžić Mirza...


Notice about the rescheduling of the first lectures in Object-Oriented Programming

UNIVERSITY OF ZENICA FACULTY OF PHILOSOPHY Department: Mathematics and Informatics NOTICE Students of the 3rd year of the Department of Mathematics and Informatics are hereby informed that lectures from the subject Object Oriented Programming are scheduled for 07.10. and 14.10.2015. postponed due to the professor's business trip. The first lectures will…

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