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The citizens of Zenica showed humanity

We inform the public that a significant amount of aid was collected in the aid collection campaign organized at the University of Zenica, which exceeded all expectations. The first trucks with collected aid left today at 9:30 a.m. from the University of...



We invite all master's students from all study programs (II cycle), especially matriculating students of earlier generations, to contact the student service URGENTLY in order to regulate their status. ADMINISTRATION OF THE FACULTY


Notice on holding an introductory lecture

Notice on the holding of the entrance lecture We inform the public that in the selection process for the title of Dr. sc. Kemal Avdagić to hold an introductory lecture on "The role of systemic functional grammar in conducting critical discourse analysis" on 29 November 2022. year at 10:00 a.m. We invite students, academic staff...

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