Master's thesis defense - Medisa Zahirović
Candidate Medisa Zahirović, professor of Turkish language and literature, from Kakanj, will defend her master's thesis entitled "Phrases and proverbs in the stories of Omer Seyfettin".
Candidate Medisa Zahirović, professor of Turkish language and literature, from Kakanj, will defend her master's thesis entitled "Phrases and proverbs in the stories of Omer Seyfettin".
Candidates can submit a written objection to the published ranking list to the Scientific and Teaching Council of the Faculty within three days of the publication of the list, and no later than Friday, July 7, 2023. until 9 o'clock. The academic and teaching council of the faculty is obliged to decide within three days...
Candidates who applied for the "Physical Education and Sport" study program at the Faculty of Philosophy of the University of Zenica are hereby informed that the entrance exam will be held on July 3. (Monday) in 2023 at 10:00 a.m. Candidates are required to bring with them...
Students of the Physical Education and Sports study program of the Faculty of Philosophy of the University of Zenica took an active part in organizing the 14th international athletics meeting "Zenica 2023", in which 10 countries and 150 athletes participated. With their volunteer work, they helped...
Candidate Berina Šećibović, professor of classroom teaching, from Zenica, will publicly defend her master's thesis under the title "The role and importance of reading literacy in the function of developing critical thinking among students of younger school age".