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Master's thesis defense: MEDIHA PILJUG-ZAHIROVIĆ

UNIVERSITY OF ZENICA FACULTY OF PHILOSOPHY IN ZENICA Second cycle study (master's study) Department of Mathematics and Informatics ANNOUNCES That candidate MEDIHA PILJUG-ZAHIROVIĆ, professor of mathematics and informatics, from Zenica, will defend his master's thesis...


DECISION on setting the dates for the Promotion of Graduates of the I (first) and II (second) study cycles of the Faculty of Philosophy of the University of Zenica in 2020

Article 1. Based on the Conclusion of the Senate of the University of Zenica number: 01-02-5-3044/20. from 23.09.2020. The promotion of graduates and master's students, as well as the awarding of the Faculty Dean's Award and the Rector's Award of the University of Zenica, is carried out by the departments of the Faculty of Philosophy in the period from 19.10.2020. until 10/24/2020...


Press release regarding the spread of the new coronavirus in Italy and the world

New announcement of the Federal Ministry of Health: In the territory of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, not a single suspected or positive case of the disease caused by the new coronavirus (COVID-19) has been registered so far. However, the epidemiological situation in the world is changing very quickly, and the appearance of COVID-19 can be expected in...


Novel coronavirus (COVID-19)

With regard to the announcement of the Federal Ministry of Health, we convey the following notice: On December 31, 2019, a cluster of people suffering from pneumonia of unknown origin in Wuhan City, Hubei Province, China, was reported to the World Health Organization. The patients showed symptoms of increased physical…

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