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Start of classes in ac. 2021/22 year-change

UNIVERSITY OF ZENICA FACULTY OF PHILOSOPHY PROTOCOL OF THE WELCOME OF FRESHMAN STUDENTS IN AK. 2021/2022. YEARS Classes in the winter semester for all freshmen begin on Monday, October 11, 2021. Classes for higher study years (2nd, 3rd, and 4th) start on Tuesday, October 12, 2021...


Competition for admission to the Department of Cultural Studies has been announced

Dear graduating students, today, June 15, 2020, the Competition for enrollment in the first year of the first cycle of studies at the University of Zenica was announced (link: first-year-and-first-cycle-of-study-at-the-university-in-zenica-in-the-2020-2021-academic-year-first-registration-deadline/). The competition for student enrollment remains open from June 15 to 26, 2020. The competition determined the enrollment...


Why enroll in the Department of Cultural Studies?

Cultural studies represent an interdisciplinary study in which various disciplines of the humanities and social sciences are fruitfully intertwined. A diploma in the field of cultural studies covers various aspects of the study of culture, from anthropology, heritology, religion, philosophy, sociology, museology, cultural policy, cultural management, cultural tourism, popular culture research, virtual...

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