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Results of the written exam in Basic Mathematics I

The written exam in Fundamentals of Mathematics I was passed by: Sinanović Magdalena (conditionally) Inspection of the papers is scheduled for Monday, June 23, 2014. from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. The oral exam will be held on Tuesday, June 24, 2014. at 9:30 a.m. Vice-Prof. Dževad Burgić, Ph.D


NOTICE about the results of the written part of the exam

Students studying classroom teaching are informed that the following candidates passed the written part of the exam: BHS LANGUAGE I (taken on June 12, 2014) Karić Mirsada, Husetović Alma, Zukan Melisa, Hečimović Dalila, Edina Lužić, Emina Beganović, Gabrijela Lekić conditionally: Kovač Azra, Kolak Marina...


Results of the final part of the exam in Basic Mathematics 1

UNIVERSITY OF ZENICA FACULTY OF PHILOSOPHY RESULTS of the final part of the exam in Fundamentals of Mathematics 1 THEY PASSED – Fundamentals of Mathematics 1: 1. Tadić Katarina 17.0 (1st partial), 2. Emina Beganović 11.0 (1st partial), 3. Edina Lužić 14.0 (2nd partial). Results of the final-Osnov.mat.1-13.05.14 Insight into the papers...

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