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Math Comic-Con: Competition for the best math comic


The goal of Math Comic-Con is to provide students of the University of Zenica with the opportunity to explore and express their creative abilities through the creation of mathematical comics. Through this competition, we want to encourage an interdisciplinary approach, enabling students to combine their mathematical skills with artistic expression. Our goal is not only to encourage the authors of comic books, but also to promote mathematics as an inspiring and accessible subject, thus contributing to the spread of a positive attitude towards this scientific discipline among the student population.


The main inspiration for this competition is mathematics. You can write any kind of story, and here are some examples:

  • Adventures in space (explore astronomy, interstellar distance, body geometry), 
  • Creating math superheroes (who use different math concepts to solve problems), 
  • Codes and enigmas (solving puzzles, deciphering, researching algorithms),
  • Geometry in Art,
  • History of mathematical geniuses.


  1. The call is open until March 18, 2024 years.
  2. Create and submit a comic that includes mathematical elements or ideas. 
  3. Avoid using violence or themes that are not suitable for all ages.
  4. Avoid using existing characters (for legal reasons) or real people who have not given consent to appear in your comic.
  5. Each comic can only have one author, but one author can submit multiple independent comics.
  6. Participants are responsible for the authenticity of their work and respect for the copyrights of others.


  • Title: Define the title and design the front page.
  • Content: The comic should, in addition to the cover, contain 2 to 3 pages (A4 format) on which mandatory use one of the following templates:
  • Techniques: It is allowed to draw by hand or use any digital tool. Take care of image and color quality.
  • Document format: All documents should be in PDF or PNG/JPEG format. If you are sending more than one document, everything must be packed in .zip or .rar format. The naming of documents should be clear and simple, preferably containing the name of the author and the title of the comic. 


  • Application for the competition is submitted online Google Forms
  • The deadline for submitting the final version of the comic is 18.03.2024. years. 


  • The submitted works will be reviewed by a 3-member expert jury that will announce and reward the two best comics. Additionally, we will reward the most popular comic that will be evaluated by the audience on social networks. 
  • The ceremony for the announcement of the competition winners and awarding of prizes is planned 25.3.2024. in the premises of the Faculty of Philosophy, University of Zenica. Prizes are provided IMTEC doo
  • All works will be published in the gallery on the website of the Faculty of Philosophy in Zenica. 


Creating a comic may seem challenging, but you can use any technique that works for you. Check out some examples to get inspired:

  • Popular webcomic xkcd it is based on simple figures and drawings. 
  • Many webcomics, like Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal, or webcomic_name, use simple drawing styles to share very smart, deep and funny ideas. 
  • You can also use photographs instead of drawings. Photo comics have become increasingly popular in different countries in recent years. 
  • Famous comic artists like Jack Kirby and Jim Steranka experimented with combining collage and op_art with his drawings. These are good ways to use complex geometric representations to create comics.
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