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RESULTS of the examination from the subject Divan Literature I and II

RESULTS exam in the subject Divan Literature I held on 13 June 2014. years.

1. Adriana Omeragić 6 (six)


RESULTS exam in the subject Divan Literature II held on June 13, 2014. years.

1. Zerina Bašić 10 (ten)
2. Bajrema Talić 10 (ten)
3. Elma Nukić 9 (nine)
4. Irma Hibić 10 (ten)
5. Sumeja Skopljak 10 (ten)
6. Amer Selimović 8 (eight)
7. Edna Muratović 8 (eight)

Assoc. Ph.D. İsmet Şanlı

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