Results of the exam from the subject Modern English Language V, conducted on 07/08/2015.
Iseni Samire 40 6
TEST IN CLASS 1 (13/05/2015) TEST IN CLASS 2 (20/05/2015) FINAL EXAM (24/06/2015) FINAL GRADE 5663 6 7 6 6 Registration of grades: Monday, 13/07/2015 at 2:00 pm Overview in works by agreement with v. assist. M.Sc. Feđo Imamović...
The following results were achieved on the exam in Shakespeare's plays (VII semester) held on July 3, 2015: # STUDENT Points Grade 1 Erna Zahirović 74.00 7 2 Ilma Sivac 0.00 5 STUDENT Knowledge test in class Knowledge test in the final...
The following results were achieved at the final exam from the Practical Course in Shakespeare held on 3 July 2015: # STUDENT Points Grade 1 Dženana Kotorić 76.00 8 2 Šejla Kovačević 59.00 6 3 Larisa Krajinić 58.00 6 4 Imširević Ćera 57, 50 6…
On the final exam in English literature up to the end of the 17th century, which was held on July 3, 2015, the following results were achieved: Student Points/100 Rating 1 Krak Meliha 57/100 6 2 Hadžić Armina 37/100 5 3 Bektaš Nora 0/100 5 STUDENT…
The following results were achieved on the exam in English literature up to the reign of the Tudors (1st semester) held on 7/3/2015: R.No. STUDENT Points Rating 1 Starčević Majid 55/100 6 2 Ahmić Dževad 41/100 5 3 Šabanović Lejla 23.5/100 5 4 Semerad Andrea...
1. Buljubasic Rialda ten (10) 2. Šabić Vernes nine (9) Registration of grades is on Thursday 07/09 at 10:00 a.m. assistant. Ph.D. Vahdeta Ćatić
No candidate passed the written exam, held on July 2, 2015, from the subject NUMERICAL MATHEMATICS 2. For an agreement on the oral part of the exam in Numerical Mathematics (1 and 2), contact Subject teacher: Prof. Dr. Zehra Nurkanović
No one passed the written part of the Mathematics Teaching Methodology exam. Merhunisa Pajić passed the written part of the Mathematics Teaching Methodology II exam. The oral exam will be held on Monday, July 13, 2015 at 12 noon. Works can be viewed the same…
The written part of the exam in Elementary Mathematics I was passed by Senida Smajlović and Elma Kokić. Nobody passed the written part of the exam in Elementary Mathematics II. The works can be viewed on Monday, July 13, 2015 at 12:45 p.m. Oral exam in Elementary Mathematics I...