Notice of inspection of works
Students of the first year are informed that the inspection of the papers from the course Review of English Grammar and Morphology will be held on Monday, September 21. at 12 o'clock.
Students of the first year are informed that the inspection of the papers from the course Review of English Grammar and Morphology will be held on Monday, September 21. at 12 o'clock.
No. index Final exam (90%) Points for class activities (10%) Total percentage Final grade 5869 58.5% 8% 66.5% 7 5866 60.3% 6.5% 66.8% 7 5879 29.7% 5.5% -- 5 5 880 56,7% 6% 62,7 6 5887 4.5% 5% -- 5…
No. indexa Points on the final exam Percentages on the final exam (100%) Points for activities in class* Final grade 5868 33 66% -- 7 Ch. L. 24 48% -- 5 DE 10,5 21% -- 5 GV 25,5 51% --…
Student 10.9. Final exam FINAL GRADE 6055 39% 5 6078 58% 6 5681 37% 5 5888 32% 5 6076 47% 5 Modern English 2 (I year) Grading scale: 55 - 64 = 6 65 - 74 = 7 75 -...
No. Teaching Index Locates: Exams: 16. June 9. September Lock (9. Sept) 5317 6 6 50% 5 8P 22%P3T 16P 40% 5 15P 42% 5 15P 42% 5 5 Maximum points: 36 Skala 55%…
Index numbers Points 60max Rating 4238 20 5
Oral exams in the subjects: Mathematical Programming, Probability and Statistics will be held on Tuesday, September 15, 2015. The exact date will be announced on Monday, September 14, 2015. Prof. Dr. Fatih Destović
The oral exam in the subjects Euclidean geometry 1 and Euclidean geometry 2 will be held on Wednesday, September 16, 2015. at 9 o'clock. All students who want to take the exam are obliged to confirm their arrival to the subject teacher via e-mail no later than September 14, 2015. at 9 o'clock.…
No. index Course 19/6 29/6 8/9 Final grade 5317 5 (+5p prez) 100% 5.5p 13% 5 5 5156 5 100% 10.5p 25% 5 5 4955 6 Parc. 8p. 33% 5 8p 32% 5 11p 42% 5 5 3137 5 100% 2p…
No. index Teaching (50%) Exam (50%) Final grade 4694 7, 5 (2013) 20p 60% 6 (6,0) 6 3723 none 21p 37% 5 5 4351 5 (2013) 5p 9% 5 5 4961 none 18.5p 321TP3 T 5 5 Max .start the exam: 100%…