Results of the written exam in Elementary Mathematics
No one passed the written part of the exam in Elementary Mathematics. Filipović Mario and Šehović Zerina passed the written part of the exam in Elementary Mathematics II. The works can be viewed on Monday, September 28, 2015 at 11:45. Oral exam in Elementary Mathematics I...
The results of the exam that were held on September 19, 2015
20th Century British Literature 4351, 55/100 British Culture and Civilization to 1500 6081, 28/100 6078, 31/100 British Culture and Civilization from 1500 to the Present 6067, 41/100 6077, 56/100 6053, 37/100 100 6054, 47/100 6079, 60/100 6075, 45/100 5871, 66/100 American Civilization…
Notice on the registration of grades in the subject B/H/S language
Students of the first year of English language and literature studies are hereby informed that Assoc. Ph.D. Dilberović (B/H/S language) to sign the indexes after the second exam period - students will be informed about the exact date and time. When it comes to ratings…
Exam results from the subject NUMERICAL MATHEMATICS 2
Filipović Mario, 55% Topoljak Almina, 50%(*) passed the written exam, held on September 17, 2015, from the subject NUMERICAL MATHEMATICS 2. For an agreement on the oral part of the exam, contact Subject teacher: Prof. Dr. Zehra Nurkanović
No candidate passed the written exam (held on September 17, 2015) in the subject MATHEMATICAL PROGRAMMING. Prof. Dr. Fatih Destović
Exam results from the subject PROBABILITY AND STATISTICS
The written exam (held on September 16, 2015) from the subject RELIABILITY AND STATISTICS was passed by: Emrah Mešanović, 65%, Emir Čengić, 50% (*). Prof. Dr. Fatih Destović
Exam results from the course Principles of Programming
Exam in the subject Principles of Programming, held on September 17, 2015. year, the following students passed: Rb Surname and first name Grade 1. Matošević Marija six (6) 2. Smajlović Senida six (6) Students can register their grades and review their papers on Friday, September 18, 2015. years,…
Exam results from the subject Methodology of initial teaching of mathematics I and II
UNIVERSITY OF ZENICA FACULTY OF PHILOSOPHY Department: Classroom teaching NOTICE about the results of the exam conducted on 17.09.2015. years Methodology of initial teaching of mathematics I Name and surname Number of points Brljevac Dino 25 Lužić Hajra 19.5 Perenda Esmina 10.5 Luković Azra 10 Nezić Zerina 7...
Results of the final-oral part of the analysis examination
UNIVERSITY OF ZENICA FACULTY OF PHILOSOPHY DEPARTMENT: Mathematics and Informatics Results of the final-oral parts of the examination from Analysis 1 and Analysis 2, conducted on September 16, 2015 ANALYSIS 1 1) Muslija Mersiha 11.0/20 (1st partial), 2 ) Nejla Mušinović 11.0/20 (2nd partial). ANALYSIS 2 1.…