Pedagogy exam results -9.2. 2016
Rb. Name and surname: Points Rating 1. Samka Omanović 12 five (5) 2. Amina Delić 10 five (5) 3. Jusuf Koylu 7 five (5) 4. Amila Jahić 10 five (5) The oral part of the exam will be held on Thursday 2/11/2016...
Rb. Name and surname: Points Rating 1. Samka Omanović 12 five (5) 2. Amina Delić 10 five (5) 3. Jusuf Koylu 7 five (5) 4. Amila Jahić 10 five (5) The oral part of the exam will be held on Thursday 2/11/2016...
Rb. Name and surname: Points Rating 1. Semira Čoloman 27 seven (7) 2. Almina Bjeloglavić 24 six (6) 3. Mirela Muharmspahić 16 five (5) 4. Nizama Čolo 15 five (5) 5. Dženanan Škorić 13.5 five (5) 6. Emina Beganović...
Rb. Name and surname: Points Grade 1. Đejlana Hodžić 26 six (6) 2. Aldin Prijić 26.5 six (6) 3. Mirza Hodžić 20 five (5) 4. Mario Filipović 18 five (5) The oral part of the exam will be held on Thursday 2/11/2016...
Rb. Name and surname: Points Grade 1. Nela Knežević 27 six (6) 2. Čerima Garanović 26 six (6) 3. Mejra Kosović 25 six (6) 4. Saliha Skopljak 25 six (6) The oral part of the exam will be held on Thursday 2/11/2016...
Rb. Index number % at the final (from 100%) Final grade 1. 6348 50.5 5 2. 6051 38.5 5 3. 5648 36 5 4. 2946 9 5 5. 5497 34.5 5 6. 5638 0 5 7. …
Rb. Index number Number of points Final grade 1. 5887 56 6 2. 4965 0 5 Grading scale: 55-64 (6); 65-74 (7); 75-84 (8); 85-94 (9); 95-100 (10) Inspection of papers and entry of grades: Wednesday, February 10, 2016. in the period from 10 to...
University of Zenica, Faculty of Philosophy, Mathematics and Informatics Students of the Department of Mathematics and Informatics are hereby informed that the exams in the subject Basics of Computer Systems Procedural Programming will be held on February 12, 2016. starting at 10:00.
University of Zenica, Faculty of Philosophy Classroom Teaching NOTICE Students of the fourth year, Department of Classroom Teaching, are informed that the written exams in the subjects Mathematics Teaching Methodology I and Mathematics Teaching Methodology II will be held on Wednesday, February 10, 2016. year at 10:30 a.m., instead of…
The second exam date for the English novel of the 18th and 19th centuries and Poetry of English Romanticism is moved from 09:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. on the same day (February 12, 2016).
RESULTS, first term (January 28, 2016) Jelena Šljivić (10) Emina Muminović (9) Ernad Plančić (8) Bjeloglavić Almina (7) Omić Almedina (6) Deadline for submission of preparations: Wednesday, February 10. 2016 RESULTS, second term (February 11, 2016) Deadline for submission of preparations: Wednesday, February 17, 2016. years…