Rescheduling the date of the written part of the exam in the subject Analytical Geometry
The written part of the Analytical Geometry exam is scheduled for September 13, 2016. at 12:00 p.m., will be held on September 16, 2016. year at 4 p.m.
The written part of the Analytical Geometry exam is scheduled for September 13, 2016. at 12:00 p.m., will be held on September 16, 2016. year at 4 p.m.
UNIVERSITY OF ZENICA FACULTY OF PHILOSOPHY Mathematics and Informatics Results of the integrated exam in the subjects Database I and Database II conducted on 05.09.2016. year Database I passed: 1. Mario Filipović 7 (eight) 2. Amina Krehmić 7 (seven) 3. Čaušević...
UNZE Zenica, 10.09.2016. Faculty of Philosophy Department of Mathematics and Informatics RESULTS of the written exam in Elementary Mathematics I held on September 5, 2016. 1. Beriša Armin passed conditionally 2. Imamović Medina 8 b (NP) 3. Škulj Emina 3 b (NP) RESULTS of the written exam from Elementary...
UNIVERSITY OF ZENICA, FACULTY OF PHILOSOPHY, MATHEMATICS AND INFORMATICS NOTICE Students of the Department of Mathematics and Informatics are hereby informed that the oral exam in the subjects Analytical Geometry and Analysis III will be on Thursday, September 15, 2016. starting at 09:30.
Results of the written part of the exam from the teaching subjects: METHODOLOGY OF MATHEMATICS TEACHING - I and METHODOLOGY OF MATHEMATICS TEACHING - II held on September 9, 2016. MNM – And they passed: 1. Efendić Ajša 2. Kolak Marina 3. Kovač Azra (conditionally) 4. Relota Vlatka 5. Zukan...
UNIVERSITY OF ZENICA FACULTY OF PHILOSOPHY DEPARTMENT OF MATHEMATICS - INFORMATICS Date of the oral part of the exam in Mathematics Teaching Methodology The oral part of the exam in Mathematics Teaching Methodology I and II will be held on Monday, September 19, 2016 at 1 p.m. Subject teacher Dr.…
UNIVERSITY OF ZENICA FACULTY OF PHILOSOPHY DEPARTMENT: Mathematics and Informatics Results of the final oral parts of the exam in Analysis 1, Analysis 2, Differential Equations, Elementary Mathematics 1 and Elementary Mathematics 2 from September 7, 2016. ANALYSIS 1 1. Skulj Emina 11.0 (1.p). ANALYSIS 2 1. Vuleta...
ZENICI UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF PHILOSOPHY DEPARTMENT: Classroom teaching Results of the final exam in Mathematics Basics 1 from 06.09.2016. year 1. Efendić Ajša 15.0 (2.p) 2. Hasibović Esma 14.0 (1.p) 3. Muslimović Ahmed 11.0 (1.p) ------------- ------------------------------ 4. Vildana Bašić ND 5. Ivona Marić...
UNIVERSITY OF ZENICA FACULTY OF PHILOSOPHY DEPARTMENT: Mathematics and Informatics Results of the final oral parts of the exam in Elementary Mathematics 2 and Analysis 2, conducted on September 6, 2016. Elementary Mathematics 2 1) Nadira Spahić 14.0/20 (2nd partial), 2) Beganović Belmin 13.0/20 (1st partial), ----------------------------------- ------------------- 3)…
UNIVERSITY OF ZENICA FACULTY OF PHILOSOPHY Classroom teaching Notice Basics of mathematics 1: Nezić Zerina 12b/40b, Mehmed Husanović 8b/40b. The final-oral part of the exam is on Wednesday, September 14, 2016...