Participation in the international conference in Osijek: "Adaptation: Theory, Criticism, Pedagogy"
From 23.-25.02.2017. a conference was held at the Faculty of Philosophy in Osijek (HR) on the topic: "Adaptation: theory, criticism, pedagogy" (Adaptation: Theory, Criticism, Pedagogy). At the conference, our Department presented a student project - a film adaptation of "Herr der Staubfilter - Lord of the Filters", which was also translated into English for the purposes of this international conference. Conference participants - Amela Ćurković (project leader), Harun Alić, Karolina Grbavac, Marija Buljeta, Ivan Arapović, Ismar Vehabovicć and Goran Žepačkić - talked about the project from the conceptual idea for the film to its completion and presentation in schools, and answered questions related to for the pedagogical aspects of the project.