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Participation in the international conference in Osijek: "Adaptation: Theory, Criticism, Pedagogy"

From 23.-25.02.2017. a conference was held at the Faculty of Philosophy in Osijek (HR) on the topic: "Adaptation: theory, criticism, pedagogy" (Adaptation: Theory, Criticism, Pedagogy). At the conference, our Department presented a student project - a film adaptation of "Herr der Staubfilter - Lord of the Filters", which was also translated into English for the purposes of this international conference. Conference participants - Amela Ćurković (project leader), Harun Alić, Karolina Grbavac, Marija Buljeta, Ivan Arapović, Ismar Vehabovicć and Goran Žepačkić - talked about the project from the conceptual idea for the film to its completion and presentation in schools, and answered questions related to for the pedagogical aspects of the project.

Presentation of the film "Der Herr der Staubfilter" - "Lord of the Filters" at the conference
of literary adaptations in Osijek on February 25, 2017:
German - English version of the movie "Herr der Staubfilter" - "Lord of the Filters":
The German-Bosnian-Croatian version of the film "Herr der Staubfilter":



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