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Results of partial exams in the subject Methodology of teaching mathematics 2

University of Zenica
Faculty of Philosophy
Department for classroom teaching

RESULTS of the written exam (1st colloquium) from Mathematics teaching methods II held on 19.01.2016.

Name and surname 1st colloquium
1. Jašarspahić Berina 16 b
2. Arnela Šahinović 13 b
3. Đidić Medina 9.5 b

RESULTS of the written exam (2nd colloquium) from Mathematics teaching methods II held on 19.01.2016.

Name and surname 2nd colloquium
1. Šljivić Jelena 20 b
2. Gračić Sadin 20 b
3. Emina Muminović 16 b
4. Plančić Ernad 12 b

An inspection of the works will be held on Tuesday, January 26, 2016. at 11:30 am.
The oral exam will be held on Thursday, January 28. at 11:00 a.m.

Asst. Dr. Suljicic Amir

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