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Results of the final-oral part of the exam in the subjects Analysis and Differential Equations

DEPARTMENT: Mathematics and Informatics

Results of the final oral exams in Analysis 1, Analysis 2 and Differential Equations, held on July 9, 2015.
Analysis 1
1. Kozlić Berin 12.0 (2nd partial),
2. Hamza Duranović 11.0 (2nd partial),
3. Vareškić Ivan 10.0 (2nd partial).
Analysis 2
1. Beso Merima 16.0 (2nd partial),
2. Horic Sead 14.0 (2nd partial),
3. Crooked Emina ND,
4. Nadira Spahić ND,
5. Krehmić Amina ND
Differential equations
1. Shušnjara Nevenka 11.0 (2nd partial).

The inspection of the works is on Tuesday, July 14, 2015. year from 9.00 to 10.30 at FF.
NOTE: The additional date for the final oral exams in Analysis 1, Analysis 2 and Differential Equations is on Tuesday, July 14, 2015. year at 9.15 on FF.

Zenica, July 10, 2015

Subject teacher:
Ph.D.Sc. Dževad Burgić, associate professor

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