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Results of the final oral exams in the subjects Analysis I and Analysis II

DEPARTMENT: Mathematics and Informatics

Results of the final-oral part of the exam from Analysis 1 and Analysis 2
held on February 26, 2015. years

Passed Analysis 1:

  1. Begić Aida 12.0 (1st partial),
  2. Horić Sead 11.0 (1st partial),
  3. Musić Rabija 13.0 (2nd partial),
  4. Krivokapa Emina 12.0 (2nd partial),
  5. Uzunović Merced 11.0 (1st partial).

Failed Analysis 1:

  1. Kozlić Berin
  2. Ernel hill
  3. Senida Smajlović
  4. Mirza Hodzic.

Passed Analysis 2:

  1. Prijić Aldin 12.0 (2nd partial),
  2. Šušnja Marina 11.0 (2nd partial).

Failed Analysis 2:

  1. Beso Merima

Inspection of works and entry of grades is on Tuesday 03.03.2015. year from 13.00 to 15.00 at FF.

Subject teacher:

dr. sc. Dževad Burgić, associate professor

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