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A culture of memory: confronting the wartime past

Students of the Faculty of Philosophy in Zenica on Friday, June 7, 2024, as part of the project A culture of memory: confronting the wartime past, which the Faculty of Philosophy realizes together with the TPO Foundation from Sarajevo, visited Sarajevo. As part of this visit, students visited the Rescue Tunnel, where a very inspiring lecture about the siege of Sarajevo and the importance of the tunnel for saving the besieged city was given by Irfan Gazdić.

Then the students at the Center for Interdisciplinary Studies had the opportunity to learn more from the direct participants of the siege of Sarajevo, what daily life was like in this city. AP talked about this, stressing that there was a difference in women's perception of traumatic events, especially from the beginning of the aggression against Bosnia and Herzegovina. She also spoke about how it was difficult to survive during the siege for the citizens of Sarajevo who had to find water, food and avoid sniper fire on the streets of the city.

The second lecture was held by Edvin Ćudić, from the Association for Social Research and Communication, entitled Facing the past on the example of Sarajevo's Kazan.  He spoke about the murders of citizens of the non-Bosniak ethnic group in the city of Sarajevo and the problems that activists encounter in trying to find the names of the perpetrators of this crime on the monument.

Then the students of the Faculty of Philosophy in Zenica laid flowers on the Memorial to the murdered children of Sarajevo.

The Faculty of Philosophy thanks the TPO Foundation and the University of Zenica for their support in carrying out this project.

Photo: Sanina Memčić

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