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At the Faculty of Philosophy of the University of Zenica, the Fourth Student Conference in the field of cultural studies was held under the title "Culture and Nationalism". The conference offers students of Cultural Studies the opportunity to research and analyze current and interesting topics in the field of social and humanistic sciences and arts.

The introductory presentation was given by the historian, dr. Dragan Markovina, and the alumni-introductor was journalist and publicist Imran Maglajlić, a graduate in cultural studies. Students of the Faculty of Philosophy presented their works within four thematic units:

Cultural policy and nationalism: Adis Kriko, fourth-year student, Nationalism and theater: Zuhdija Karić and Sani Kapetanović, third-year students, Nations - between myth and truth: Nejra Bećirhodžić and Tarik Islamović, second-year students, and Culture as a dividing line: Nejla Varupa and Irwin Isaković, students of the first year of the study program Cultural Studies.

The role of moderator of the conference was entrusted to second-year students Anela Suljagić and Atif Spahić. The guests were also addressed by the Dean of the Faculty of Philosophy, Professor Alica Arnaut, as well as the representative of the Cultural Studies study program, Professor Damir Kukić. The conference was attended by students and professors of the Faculty of Philosophy as well as final year students of the Second High School in Zenica.

The study program Cultural Studies of the Faculty of Philosophy in Zenica organizes its student conferences with the primary goal of stimulating discussion on important social topics. At this study of cultural studies, the only one of its kind at public universities in Bosnia and Herzegovina, they believe that holding the conference is a great stimulus for students, but also a significant step forward in their engagement in research and writing academic papers, and in the acquisition of new knowledge and competences.

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