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Results of the final oral parts of the exam in Elementary Mathematics 1, held on 02.02.2017. years

DEPARTMENT: Mathematics and Informatics

Results of the final oral parts of the exam in Elementary Mathematics 1, held on 02.02.2017. years

1) Plum Bernada 20.0/20 (2nd partial),
2) Krnjić Amra 19.0/20 (2nd partial),
3) Koluh Amina 18.0/20 (2nd partial),
4) Selimspahić Amina 18.0/20 (2nd partial),
5) Alić Samra 17.0/20 (2nd partial),
6) Čemer Muhamed 15.0/20 (2nd partial),
7) Škulj Ajdin 14.0/20 (2nd partial),
8) Dizdarević Mahir 14.0/20 (1st partial),
9) Zekan Amina 12.0/20 (1st partial).
10. Dizdarević Ajdina ND

Inspection of works and entry of grades is planned for Tuesday, February 7, 2017. from 9 a.m. to 10 a.m. at FF.

Zenica: 03.02.2017. years

Subject teacher:
Prof. Ph.D. Dževad Burgić

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