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RESULTS of the final exams in: Elementary Mathematics I, Elementary Mathematics II, Analysis I, Analysis II and Differential Equations, from September 15, 2016.


RESULTS of the final exams in: Elementary Mathematics I, Elementary Mathematics II, Analysis I, Analysis II and Differential Equations, from September 15, 2016.

Elementary mathematics I
1. Berisha Armin ND

Elementary mathematics II
1. Kozlić Berin 16.0 (2.p)
2. Vareškić Ivan 14.0 (2.p).

Analysis I
1. Kovac Enis 15.0 (2.p).

Analysis II
1. Filipović Mario 13.0 (1.p)
2. Hodžić Mirza ND
3. Mušinović Nejla NDpp

Differential equations
1. Šušnja Marina 16.0 (2.p).

Inspection of papers and entry of grades is on Monday, September 19, 2016. year from 10.00 to 10.45 on FF.
Note: Students who did not pass the final oral part of the exam can take it (an additional term) on Tuesday, September 20, 2016. year at 9 o'clock on FF.

Zenica, September 16, 2016.
Subject teacher:
Ph.D.Sc. Dževad Burgić, associate professor

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