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Why enroll in the Department of Cultural Studies?

Cultural studies represent an interdisciplinary study in which various disciplines of the humanities and social sciences are fruitfully intertwined. A diploma in the field of cultural studies covers various aspects of the study of culture, from anthropology, heritology, religion, philosophy, sociology, museology, cultural policy, cultural management, cultural tourism, popular culture research, virtual...


Methodical practice

Subject: Groups for carrying out methodological practice from the teaching subject Methodology II Group A 1. Almina Šiljak 2. Rejhana Alić 3. Amina Mačković 4. Anida Smajić Group B 1. Amina Malkoč 2. Indira Zilkić 3. Sendžana Golub Subject: Dates for attending...


Press release regarding the spread of the new coronavirus in Italy and the world

New announcement of the Federal Ministry of Health: In the territory of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, not a single suspected or positive case of the disease caused by the new coronavirus (COVID-19) has been registered so far. However, the epidemiological situation in the world is changing very quickly, and the appearance of COVID-19 can be expected in...

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