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Results of the final exams in: Elementary Mathematics 1, Analysis 2 and Differential Equations, from February 15, 2018

UNIVERSITY OF ZENICA FACULTY OF PHILOSOPHY DEPARTMENT: MATHEMATICS AND INFORMATICS Results of final exams in: Elementary Mathematics 1, Analysis 2 and Differential Equations, from February 15, 2018 ELEMENTARY MATHEMATICS I 1. Nejla Mušinović 13.0(1.p). DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS 1. Uzunović Mered 13.0(2.p). ANALYSIS II 1. Koluh...


Results of the written part of the exam in the subject Euclidean geometry 2, conducted on February 13, 2018.

UNIVERSITY OF ZENICA, FACULTY OF PHILOSOPHY, MATHEMATICS AND INFORMATICS EUCLIDEAN GEOMETRY 2 Results of the written part of the exam, conducted on February 13, 2018. Mušinović Nejra 20/40 Šušnjara Nevenka 20/40 Buljubašić Erna 4/40 np Review of papers and final exam is on Monday, February 19, 2018. at 11:00. Associate Professor...

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