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Date of the final oral exam in the subject Basics of Mathematics 1

UNIVERSITY OF ZENICA FACULTY OF PHILOSOPHY Classroom teaching The date of the final oral exam in the subject Basics of Mathematics 1 The students of the Department of Classroom Teaching are informed that the final oral exam in the subject Basics of Mathematics 1 will be on September 11, 2018. (Tuesday) at 09:00.  


The date of the exam in the subject Basics of Mathematics 1

UNIVERSITY OF ZENICA FACULTY OF PHILOSOPHY CLASSROOM TEACHING NOTICE-examination dates The students of the department for Classroom Teaching are hereby informed that the written part of the exam in Fundamentals of Mathematics 1 will be held at 14:00 (instead of 13:00) in both September terms.


Notice - Use of computers in teaching

University of Zenica, Faculty of Philosophy, Mathematics and Informatics NOTICE Second-year students of the Department of Mathematics and Informatics are hereby informed that the written exams in the subject Application of computers in teaching will be held at 9:00 a.m. (instead of 10:00 a.m.) in both September...

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